Global Service & Maintenance Contracts

Mackay World Service – Coordinates All Services 24/7:
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Level 1  On-Demand Worldwide Service which is arranged and invoiced on an ad hoc basis using Purchase Orders rather than a formal contract.  There are no annual fees.

Level 2  Worldwide Service Coordination  A Dispatching Contract provides certain reports and jobs scheduling service for fleets that utilize Mackay World Service exclusively, or primarily, for their service dispatching worldwide.   All jobs are awarded via purchase orders and invoiced individually.  There are no annual fees.

Level 3  Shore Based Maintenance Agreements:  Mackay offers qualified customers a 5-year Shore Based Maintenance (SBM) Certificate for USD $150.00.  The SBM Contract may be expanded to cover the cost of the annual Radio Safety Survey (GMDSS Survey), raising the contract price to USD $1630 (additional travel charges may apply).

Level 4   Fixed Price Maintenance & Repair Contracts covers all On-Board Labor, Local Travel Time & Mileage, and Spare Parts involved in repairing and maintaining bridge electronic equipment.  This contract also includes the annual Radio Safety Survey, Annual Performance Test, & Gyro Overhaul (conforming to manufacturer’s recommendations).  The duration of this contract is typically two years.

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Additional Mackay Global Service Options:

For more information about Mackay Marine Service, contract options, and quotations, please contact 24/7

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