Worker Safety

Employees are your most valuable asset in the oilfield. Mackay Satellite Solutions can enhance worker safety and accountability by ensuring voice and data communications in the field, no matter where they go.  Whether checking existing remote operations, sharing data from exploratory fields, or responding to emergency situations; reliable connectivity is critical.

Continued communications combined with knowing the location of your field employees improves response time and improves productivity.  Remote cellular or radio coverage between locations can be compromised; satellite connectivity ensures the ability to report information real-time and coordinate with response teams.

Protect your powered assets and maximize their potential with a vehicle tracking satellite solution. Tracking with satellite allows you to monitor the performance of all your vehicles while making sure they are not used for any unauthorized functions or leave a designated area.

Mackay can customize solutions to monitor the safety and conditions of your workers and will optimize the performance of your vehicles to increase safety and productivity for all of your remote locations.

Oil and Gas Industry – Mackay Satellite Solution Support

Find below, a sampling of suggested products to assist with Worker Safety and Asset Tracking connectivity.

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