This product has reached End of Life, but is still being supported. For further information or replacements, please reach out to your customer service representative.
Danelec announced EOL and EOP 2/24 as follows:
G4 & S-VDR G4 G4e & S-VDR G4e
Parts thru 12/24 12/29
Basic Repair Q4 ’27 Q4 ’28
Tech Support Q4 ’31 Q4 ’34
Mackay World Service will continue to globally service MacGregor/Interschalt VDRs and provide APTs, provided parts are available, until further notice.
Recommended Simple Upgrade to Danelec DM100 VDR G2 Platform
Mackay Marine and MacGregor Interschalt extend their service agreement!
The MacGregor Interschalt VDR G4e and S-VDR G4e models open up plenty of new technical possibilities. They are outstandingly reliable and suitable for any type of commercial and passenger vessel.
Voyage data recorders (VDRs) have been mandatory since 2002. Through a series of developments, these simple data collectors and storage devices have been transformed into smart data providers with additional tracking and monitoring features.
They comprise a modular design, which makes them easy to install and extend for special projects. Furthermore, their modular set-up ensures that maintenance and repair services can be performed on a rapid and inexpensive basis.
Our VDRs exceed the latest IMO performance standards and are approved by all major classification societies. We offer a wide range of optional add-on functions and all systems are supported by excellent customer service.
These services include an optional five-year warranty/support package, making the MacGregor Interschalt VDR a very cost-efficient system over its service life.