Furuno FMD3200 / 3300 ECDIS


Furuno FMD3200 / 3300 ECDIS are state-of-the-art Digital ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display Information System) with pristine LCD Displays.  Suitable for new installation and ideal for retrofit  applications to fulfill ECDIS carriage requirements post July 2012.

The Furuno FMD3200 / 3300 ECDIS functionality and flexibility is greatly enhanced via new interface and efficient chart management system, independent of chart providers.  Features enable option for totally paperless operation.  Both ECDIS fully compliant with IMO and IEC regulations.

Additional AIO layer includes all Admiralty Temporary and Preliminary Notices to Mariners as well as additional ENC Preliminary Notices to Mariners, i.e., reported navigational hazards that have been incorporated into paper chart but have yet to be included in ENCs. The service is free of charge as part of Admiralty Vector Chart Service (AVCS) by UKHO.
Sensor Adapter acts as central medium to gather all the sensor data and collectively feed it to all FMD-3200/3300 ECDIS and FAR-3000 Chart Radar in the system. Since sensor adapter can be extended to cover all the sensors within the system, individual cablings in the sensor -to -ECDIS/Radar interface can be greatly reduced.


  • Multi-function display – ECDIS, Conning Info, Radar/Chart Radar & Alert Management System
  • Intuitive new user interface featuring Status Bar & InstantAccess Bar for precise route planning, monitoring and navigation data management
  • Interface navigation sensors with ECDIS processor’s 8 serial I/O ports.
  • Multiple sensor adapters via Ethernet for shipboard network integration
  • Interface Furuno FAR21x7/FAR28x7 Radar for overlay, target tracking, route and waypoint exchange via Ethernet
  • Jeppesen Dynamic Licensing Service available
  • Compatibility with Admiralty Information Overlay (AIO) for enhanced navigation safety

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