Intellian OW11FL ENTERPRISE Flat Panel (ESA) Land-Fixed Antenna


Coming Soon – Mid-2024!

Intellian Flat Panel Series of High-Speed Terminals
, communicating via Eutelsat OneWeb’s broadband satellite Internet services.  Operating in a Low-Earth-Orbit (LEO) constellation, this new network offers customers reliable seamless connectivity with low latency and significantly higher speeds.

Intellian’s OW11FL ENTERPRISE flat panel satellite terminal is designed to deliver highly reliable business-grade connectivity and performance levels required for undisrupted communications, operating in a fixed remote or critical operations environment.

Intellian’s Enterprise ESA* Antenna features automated True North calibration and tilt error compensation enabling quick and easy installation, start-up and operations: coupled with the intuitive Intellian mobile app.

The OW11FL flat panel, with assured SLA & CIR commitment levels, is ideal for fixed land-based operations requiring dependable high throughput communications such as enterprise, government, community broadband, scientific research, energy & mining, cellular backhaul, and more.

*Electronically Scanned Array

Key Features: 

  • ENTERPRISE 37.8 x 19.7 x 4.7″ Antenna (35lbs)
  • Speeds to 195Mbps DL x 32Mbps up
  • OneWeb Ku LEO, Low Latency Service
  • CNX Wi-Fi or Rack Mount Option with Ethernet ports
  • Single Coax Cable (Power & Data) + Ease of Installation
  • Mobile App for config. & monitoring
  • No moving parts improve reliability & reduces repairs
  • Option to add Static IP Address
  • Capable of Setting up Phone #s

For more information and to discuss Airtime Plans, contact Mackay Satellite Services at +1 919 850 3100 or, a global Intellian Sales & Service Partner.


Intellian Flat Panel Series (10-23): (OW9HM is now OW10HV & OW10HM)


Intellian OW11FL Fixed for Land (10-23) (Pro OW11 is now Enterprise OW11):

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