KVH TracPhone V30 – NEW Ultra-Compact Ku-Band HTS VSAT System


KVH unveils TracPhone® V30, the ultra-compact, fast and affordable VSAT System with greatly expanded coverage and higher speeds; operating via KVH’s mini-VSAT Broadband HTS* network.

TracPhone V30, a 37cm digital VSAT system, is designed to be easy-to-install and use, at a very affordable price point, offering metered and unlimited airtime plans.

With speeds up to 6/2 Mbps (down/up) and enhanced reception, meet your operational needs while providing crew access to web browsing and chat via services like WhatsApp TM , email, stream HD content, and more.

Versatile solution for smaller leisure yachts and commercial vessels, or as a streaming fast VSAT backup for superyachts or large commercial vessels.

Contact Mackay for Special KVH V30 Adoption & Pricing Options satserv@mackaycomm.com,  Call +1 919 850 3100, or contact your regional Mackay representative


  • Smallest (37cm), lightest (24lbs.) Antenna & lowest powered marine VSAT System
    • Modem in dome for fast installation & improved signal efficiency
    • Compact all-in-one VSAT-Hub below-deck unit avoids rack-mount
  • Enhanced Connectivity & Flexibility
    • As fast as 6/2 Mbps (down/up)
    • Near Worldwide coverage
    • Dual Data Plans: monthly allowance plan or flat fee with metered speed throttling
    • Enhanced VoIP service
    • Available as Free Rental AgilePlan
  • Easy to Install & Use
    • Single Generic Marine Coax Cable ADU-to-BDU
    • DC power with AC-to-DC converter option
    • Universal Rotary Joint avoiding Cable Wrap
  • A Manageable System to Rely On
    • Superior tracking with 2-axis design, stabilized skew, dual digital inertial measurement units, and advanced motor controller
    • KVH Manager tools ->data usage insight & control
    • Multi-level Cybersecurity Program; advanced network-level firewall, etc.

* HTS – High Throughput System

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