Satellite Airtime Partners

Mackay Communications offers satellite airtime partners services and supporting electronics for Inmarsat, Iridium, and several Ku- and Ka- band VSAT systems used in maritime and land-based applications.  Once Mackay and our Satellite Services team assist with equipment and airtime plan selection to efficiently meet clients’ communication needs and budget, we can install, activate and train personnel to effectively utilize their satellite system to enhance business operations.




Mackay has been an active Inmarsat partner for 35+ years.  Inmarsat owns and operates a network of geo-stationary satellites; supplying global service for marine and terrestrial applications.  Considered to be the pioneer of mobile broadband satellite communications via their L-Band service, Inmarsat recently expanded network offering with the launch of Inmarsat Global Express (GX) VSAT (Ka Band) satellites & service.  Mackay  is a “full-service end-to-end” Global Inmarsat Fleet Xpress Partner; in agreement to distribute airtime plans,  FX-approved antennas and to install, service, and upgrade FX systems worldwide.
Inmarsat – Future of  Seamless Maritime Connectivity – Fleet Xpress
Inmarsat 40 Years of Connectivity Innovation  (2019)




Iridium was the first to launch a global service for small handheld satellite terminals and has been extremely successful providing for this market.  Owning and managing a network of satellites operating in Low-Earth-Orbit (LEO), Iridium offers a variety of voice and data services for handheld devices and shipboard communications, including anti-piracy units.

The successful deployement of Iridium’s NEXT satellites has increased the reliability of their TRULY GLOBAL, reliable airtime service and enabled the release of their new service – Iridium Certus® an advanced multi-service platform for both maritime (stand alone connectivity and VSAT back-up) and terrestrial applications.
Mackay is an Iridium Distribution Partner and Certified GLOBAL Iridium GMDSS Service Provider (5/21).

Iridium: The Possibilities are Endless: Aug 2020
Iridium Certus – Land , Sea & Aero Video Overview

Mackay also provides higher bandwidth terminals and service that operate in the Ku and Ka Bands, commonly referred to as VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal). There are a wide variety of hardware antenna and airtime package options to meet any customer’s unique requirements, whether on land or at sea, purchase or lease.

Mackay’s current VSAT network and solution partners include Inmarsat (see above), KVH, Marlink (SeaLink), and IPacess.




KVH is a leading manufacturer of solutions that provide global high-speed data/Internet-access, television, and voice services via satellite to mobile users at sea and on land. Solutions include the mini-VSAT Broadband network, TracPhone satellite communications, and TracVision satellite television systems.  KVH’s mini-VSAT Broadband encompasses advanced technology (newest HTS Service) and digital onboard tools and media, enable increased maritime operational efficiency, improve crew welfare, recruit and retain skilled seafarers, and enhance security. Mackay partners with KVH as a comprehensive terminal & airtime services reseller and certified equipment installer & service provider .

KVH Innovation that Enables a Mobile World NEW
KVH Global Maritime Agile Plan – Flexibility & Cost Savings
– Animated Video
KVH Regional Agile Plan – Feature Overview Video




IPaccess is a leading mobile and fixed VSAT satellite solutions provider with 17+ years experience serving 1,100 active global sites. Offering end-to-end turnkey equipment and airtime to regional and federal organizations supporting mission-critical requirements, coupled with a 24/7 responsive operations team.  IPaccess is continually expanding communications solutions to serve an ever-changing on-demand and critical-response environment.


Contact Mackay Satellite Services at or call us at +1 919-850-3100 for timely and professional advice regarding any of your satellite communications needs.

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