On a cool October day in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Mackay congratulated five additional Canadian Mackay Service Technicians for receiving certification as Mackay Magnetic Compass Adjusters..
This team join the ranks of 68 active Mackay Marine Technicians located across 31 offices worldwide, who have successfully completed the fully accredited Mackay Mag Compass Training. After undergoing a rigorous weeklong in-classroom magnetic theory, practical application, and interactive hands-on exercises simulating on-board procedures, each candidate must pass a final test and individual assessment to be deemed certified. The syllabus covers all manufacturers brands and models of magnetic compasses used in commercial coastal and deep-draft vessels.
The intensive course was designed and is taught by Mackay’s Captain Gene Daigle, Senior Compass Adjuster and former member of the U.S. Coast Guard. Captain Daigle, located in Houston TX, is part of Mackay’s Magnetic Compass Adjustment, Repair & Exchange Dept., managed out of Mackay’s Rotterdam, NL Office, which also includes a Magnetic Compass Repair Laboratory. Magnetic Compass Adjustment is required by IMO & ISO for ALL vessel classes every two years.
Captain Daigle has learned that no matter where in the world training takes place, the technicians are eager to share their local cuisine and a bit of downtime after-hours. Not to disappoint in Nova Scotia, they enjoyed locally known food such as the Classic Halifax Donair and Canadian Poutine.
For more details on Mackay’s Magnetic Compass Service click: https://www.mackaycomm.com/products/navigation/magneticcompass/
Contact Mackay World Service – 24/7 for All Service Coordination: +1 281 478 6245; service@mackaymarine.com